The purpose of this document is to establish and regulate the rules of use of this website, meaning all the pages and their contents owned by THE ADAMINES COMPANY SL which are accessed through the domain

The use of the web portal confers the condition of user of the same and implies the acceptance of all the conditions included in this Legal Notice. The user undertakes to read this Legal Notice carefully each time he/she intends to use our web portal, as it and its conditions of use contained in this Legal Notice may undergo modifications.


In compliance with the duty of information contained in article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, the following data is reflected below:
The owner of this Site is:
Legal Notice - referring to the website owned by THE ADAMINES COMPANY SL.
Access and / or use of this portal attributes the condition of USER, who accepts, from such access and / or use, the General Conditions of Use reflected here. The aforementioned conditions shall apply regardless of the General Contracting Conditions that may be mandatory.


The purpose of these conditions is to regulate the access and use of the portal by the users who visit it, as well as its content and purpose. The navigation that can be carried out through the portal must be done with the condition of Client, which is acquired according to the procedures set out in the same.


Access to and use of the portal and the resources it offers is for an indefinite period of time, although THE COMPANY ADAMINES SL reserves the right to suspend and/or cancel, unilaterally and at any time, access to the portal or any of its parts and/or resources, without prior notice.

The current General Conditions and the Particular Conditions that may eventually arise and with the wording that they present at any given time, have an indefinite duration, and will remain in force while the website continues to be active.


THE ADAMINES SL COMPANY reserves the right to unilaterally modify, at any time and without prior notice, the current General Conditions, as well as the Particular Conditions that may eventually be established; the configuration, presentation and design of the portal or of any of the elements that comprise it; the information, general or specialised, and the contents supplied and, in general, any other circumstances not expressly designated, including the cancellation of the portal or of any of its elements. Likewise, and in order to offer a correct functioning of the portal, THE COMPANY ADAMINES SL reserves the right to temporarily suspend, without prior notice to users, access to the portal in the event of carrying out maintenance, repair, updating or improvement of the services, information and contents, as well as to modify or update the conditions of access to said portal.


The Customer's User shall consist of the Customer's identity and password. In order to access the account, the Customer must enter his/her User ID and password. The use of the password is personal and non-transferable, and it may not be transferred to third parties. The Client undertakes to make diligent use of the password and to keep it secret, assuming all responsibility for the consequences of its disclosure to third parties. The Website is for private use and free of charge, the customer must be registered on the page to access the contents. THE COMPANY ADAMINES SL reserves some of the services offered to Users by filling in the form to register the User. Access to the Services therefore requires prior registration, and once registered the User will acquire the status of Client.


The Customer is obliged to use the Services offered by THE COMPANY ADAMINES SL in a correct, diligent and lawful manner and undertakes not to carry out:
1- any act that may be considered an infringement of intellectual or industrial property rights belonging to THE ADAMINES COMPANY SL or third parties;
2- use the Services and information of any kind obtained through the Website for commercial purposes.
3- use the services offered by THE ADAMINES COMPANY SL for purposes contrary to morality, custom and public order.
4- to divulge to third parties, by any means, information or opinions about the activity, services or commercial relations of THE ADAMINES COMPANY SL that affect its image in the market.
5 - induce customers, suppliers, employees and third parties who have any relationship with ADAMINES SL not to contract with ADAMINES SL or to breach the contractual duties contracted with them.

F- USE OF THE PORTAL provides access to various information about our company, customer registration, products, services, section for job applications, access to registered users as retailers, section to work with us, and contact sections, possible links to social networks (hereinafter "content") on the internet belonging to THE ADAMINES COMPANY SL or its licensors to which the user may have access. The user assumes responsibility for the use of the portal.

THE COMPANY ADAMINES SL itself or as an assignee, owns all intellectual and industrial property rights of its website, as well as the elements contained therein (including but not limited to images, sound, audio, video, software or text, trademarks or logos, colour combinations, structure and design, selection of materials used, computer programs necessary for its operation, access and use, etc.), owned by THE COMPANY ADAMINES SL all rights reserved.

Pursuant to the provisions of Articles 8 and 32.1, second paragraph, of the Intellectual Property Law, the reproduction, distribution and public communication, including making available, of all or part of the contents of this website, for commercial purposes, in any medium and by any technical means, without the authorisation of THE ADAMINES SL COMPANY, are expressly prohibited.

The user undertakes to respect the Intellectual and Industrial Property rights owned by THE ADAMINES COMPANY SL. The unauthorised use of the information contained in this Site, as well as the damages caused to the intellectual and industrial property rights of THE ADAMINES COMPANY SL may give rise to the exercise of the corresponding legal actions and, if appropriate, to the liabilities arising from such exercise.


In accordance with the rest of these General Conditions or the Particular Conditions that may be established, access and use of the portal, as well as the information, services and content that are part of it, verified by the user, are their sole and entire responsibility, releasing and holding harmless THE COMPANY ADAMINES SL from any liability for such events.

This exemption from liability of THE ADAMINES COMPANY SL, of an absolute nature, reaches, by way of example and not limitation, to the following circumstances:

•    Any damages that the user may suffer due to the lack of availability or functioning of the portal and/or of all or some of its elements, information, services, contents, etc., or due to the lack of truthfulness or accuracy of any of them.
•    Damages that the user may suffer through accessible internet spaces, such as web pages, etc., by means of hyperlinks or links established on the portal.
•    Damages caused by the loss of user information which, as a consequence of the use of the portal or its different elements, etc., may be stored, for whatever reason, either in their computer systems or in the portal.
•    Damages suffered by the user as a result of his use of the portal contrary to these General Conditions, as a whole, or to the Specific Conditions that may be established, or in breach of the provisions of the law, or in a manner contrary to custom and public order.
•    Damages suffered by the user arising from the lack of truthfulness or accuracy of the information provided or communications made by other users, or arising from the indication of false identities used by any user, whether or not they correspond to that of real third parties.

THE ADAMINES SL COMPANY shall not be liable for any damages that may be caused, including but not limited to a) Inferences, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, breakdowns and/or disconnections in the operational functioning of this electronic system or in the devices and computer equipment of users, caused by reasons beyond the control of THE ADAMINES SL COMPANY, which prevent or delay the provision of services or navigation through the portal; b) Delays or blockages in the use caused by deficiencies or overloading of the Internet or other electronic systems; c) The inability to provide service or allow access for reasons not attributable to THE COMPANY ADAMINES SL, due to the user, third parties, or force majeure.

THE ADAMINES SL COMPANY shall only be liable for damages that the user may suffer as a result of the use of the portal when such damages are attributable to a fraudulent act of this company. The user accepts that the use of the portal, as well as the acquisition of the products and services offered therein is done under his sole responsibility.

THE ADAMINES SL COMPANY will not assume any kind of damage, direct or indirect, for the content and/or services that may be offered or displayed on the web pages. Nor will we assume applications that are the responsibility of third parties or collaborators outside THE ADAMINES COMPANY SL, which, where appropriate, have been accessed through the links contained in this portal.

In the event of becoming aware of any illegality in said links, users must inform THE ADAMINES COMPANY SL in order to proceed to disable the corresponding link.

If you believe that any content and / or information on this site violates a legitimate right or the law, we would appreciate it if you would contact THE COMPANY ADAMINES SL so that we can take appropriate action.


Any reference made in this portal to products and/or services of third parties or to any other information using the trademark, trade name or company name, which are owned by third parties, does not in itself constitute sponsorship or recommendation of any kind.

All intellectual and industrial property rights of the elements of all kinds that make up the portal, such as interactive screen designs, graphic designs, drawings, image or sound files, photographs, user interface, etc., such as general or specialized information, services and, in general, all content offered on the portal necessary for public communication, are the exclusive property of THE COMPANY ADAMINES SL or have been licensed by their respective owners. THE ADAMINES SL COMPANY has all rights reserved and does not grant any licence or authorisation for any use whatsoever.

The user undertakes not to infringe, in any case, the rights referred to in the preceding paragraph, as well as to use the portal, with its different elements and contents, for their exclusive professional use.

Consequently, the user may not use the portal for purposes other than those developed professionally with THE COMPANY ADAMINES SL may not transfer, reproduce, copy, or distribute in any way, the elements, information, services or content that comprise it; nor facilitate or allow access by third parties to such elements, information, services and content through public communication in any form; nor circumvent, remove, modify or manipulate the technical protection devices of the portal or those elements that comprise it; nor transform or modify them; nor remove, modify or manipulate, by any means, the 'Copyright' of THE COMPANY ADAMINES SL. The user shall refrain from carrying out any activity that infringes the intellectual and industrial property rights of the Company, as well as those of third parties that are referred to in this portal. In the event of infringement of the aforementioned rights, the user of the portal shall hold harmless THE ADAMINES COMPANY SL from any actions for claiming damages, whether judicial, extrajudicial or administrative sanctions, which may be brought against it as a result of the user's non-compliance.


THE COMPANY ADAMINES SL reserves the right to make unannounced changes it deems appropriate in its portal, and may change, delete or add content and services provided through the same as the way in which they are presented or located on its portal.


LA EMPRESA ADAMINES SL se reserva el derecho a denegar o retirar el acceso a portal y/o los servicios ofrecidos sin necesidad de preaviso, a instancia propia o de un tercero, a aquellos usuarios que incumplan las presentes Condiciones Generales de Uso.


La relación entre LA EMPRESA ADAMINES SL y el usuario se regirá por la normativa española vigente y cualquier controversia se someterá a los Juzgados y tribunales de la ciudad de Madrid.


1. Ámbito de aplicación: Las presentes condiciones generales de venta, se aplicarán a todas las ventas efectuadas por LA EMPRESA ADAMINES SL. Sólo las condiciones particulares establecidas en documento anexo, y firmado por ambas partes predominarán sobre las presentes condiciones generales.

2. Precio: El precio fijado en el apartado "TOTAL A PAGAR" se entiende neto de todo descuento, al contado y para el momento de entrega, libre de gasto, en nuestros almacenes, impuestos incluidos. Las cinco primeras operaciones deben efectuarse obligatoriamente, mediante pago anticipado, bien sea en metálico, talón conformado o transferencia telegráfica (en esta modalidad debe hacernos llegar una copia del comprobante mecanizado, reservándose LA EMPRESA ADAMINES SL. el derecho de posponer el envío hasta el momento de tener el dinero ingresado en su cuenta ). Las operaciones posteriores pueden ser financiadas por LA EMPRESA ADAMINES SL  siempre previa aprobación del departamento de crédito, pudiendo elegir entonces el sistema de pago mediante recibo domiciliado. Cuando se elige la modalidad de recibo domiciliado, se les facturará los intereses correspondientes en función del plazo de pago.

3. Falta de pago: El cliente no está autorizado a retrasar los pagos o hacer deducciones a cuenta de las facturas, ni aun alegando defectos de los productos. Las facturas no abonadas a los 3 días posteriores a la recepción de la mercancía tendrán un recargo de 10% del importe total, por cada mes que transcurra sin ser abonadas. Además, se incrementará el cargo total de la factura, independientemente de su cantidad, en 150€ en concepto de gastos ocasionados por el impagado. Todos los descuentos aplicados en las facturas que resulten impagadas quedarán anulados, incrementando el precio total, y serán de cuenta del deudor todos los gastos que se originen por cualquier concepto. En caso de que se produzca la falta de pago de cualquier factura, LA EMPRESA ADAMINES SL se reservará el derecho de suspender todo abastecimiento posterior; aplicándose las indemnizaciones especificadas en la cláusula 7.; LA EMPRESA ADAMINES SL se reserva el derecho a realizar acciones legales para la reclamación de los daños y perjuicios que considere oportunos, en caso de impagados.

4. Responsabilidades y reclamaciones: LA EMPRESA ADAMINES SL, no se hace responsable de ningún tipo de indemnizaciones o responsabilidades en caso de retrasos en la entrega de sus productos debido a causas imprevistas o anormales, y ello no podrá dar lugar a la anulación de los pedidos correspondientes. Consecuentemente a la constante investigación y desarrollo de nuestros productos, las especificaciones técnicas de los mismos podrán ser variadas, a pesar de la información facilitada en los catálogos, manuales y resto de la documentación suministrada al comprador, no suponiendo esto compromiso ninguno por parte de LA EMPRESA ADAMINES SL.  LA EMPRESA no se responsabiliza por ningún daño causado a personas o bienes, por mal funcionamiento o uso inadecuado de sus productos. Sólo tendrán validez aquellas reclamaciones formuladas por escrito, y en un plazo máximo de 7 días siguientes a la recepción del material defectuoso. LA EMPRESA,  no se responsabiliza de los daños causados por cualquier manipulación que no sea realizada por nuestros técnicos, o tratamiento inadecuado durante el transporte y desembalado.

5. Modificaciones de pedidos: La modificación de cualquier pedido habrá de ser confirmada por LA EMPRESA ADAMINES SL, estableciéndose con todo detalle el objeto de dicha modificación. LA EMPRESA ADAMINES SL, se reserva el derecho de modificar los precios en caso de modificación de los pedidos por parte del comprador.

6. Devolución de material; material en garantía y depósito: En un plazo inferior a 2 días laborables desde la recepción de la mercancía el cliente debe ponerse en contacto con el comercial asignado, para solicitar autorización, rellenar el 'Formulario de Devolución' y enviarlo, antes de 2 días laborables, con la mercancía sin manipular, con todos los manuales y accesorios y el embalaje en perfecto estado a la dirección Ctra Provincial, Nº 15 Local 2 Santa Úrsula, a portes pagados. No se aceptará ningún tipo de material manipulado o descatalogado, CPUS, SIMMS, ni productos en oferta. Así mismo, LA EMPRESA ADAMINES SL no recogerá ningún material cuyo embalaje aparezca con precintos del cliente, anotaciones o cualquier alteración del original enviado. Este proceso tiene un coste administrativo del 5% del valor de la mercancía, con un mínimo de 30€, que le será descontado del abono correspondiente. Para la reparación de cualquier material en garantía será obligatoria la presentación de la misma, así como los embalajes, documentos, llaves y demás accesorios originales y en perfectas condiciones de conservación y especificación de la avería del producto.

7. Rescisión: Una vez firmado el presupuesto por parte del cliente, tanto en lo que se refiere a programas o software, como en aparatos, mecanismos, automatismo o hardware, éste se obliga a aceptar lo acordado y firmado. En el supuesto de rescisión de la compra, que deberá de ser aceptada por LA EMPRESA ADAMINES SL, expresamente, el comprador vendrá obligado al pago de una indemnización del 25% del precio de venta acordado en dicho presupuesto.

8. Reserva de dominio: LA EMPRESA ADAMINES SL, se reserva el derecho de dominio de los materiales vendidos y objeto del presente documento, mientras que no se haya satisfecho íntegramente el total del precio convenido, considerándose al comprador como mero depositario, y no pudiendo, en consecuencia vender, ceder, arrendar, enajenar, ni grabarlo en forma alguna, en todo o en parte, sin perjuicio, y no pudiendo, en a nombre del comprador desde el momento de la compra, siendo éste responsable en caso de pérdida o deterioro de la mercancía vendida. Así mismo, LA EMPRESA ADAMINES SL se reserva la propiedad intelectual y patentes de software y hardware aun siendo diseñados como objeto de un presupuesto o contrato que se destinarán a satisfacer las necesidades del comprador, y por tanto en ningún momento podrán ser reproducidos o utilizados por persona alguna salvo autorización expresa por escrito de LA EMPRESA ADAMINES SL. Igualmente precisaría autorización para proceder a la venta o cesión de los equipos informáticos o dispositivos de almacenamiento de información (discos duros, streamers, etc.) en los cuales se encuentran grabados los programas. El comprador asume la obligación de manifestar a cualquier posible usuario de las presentes limitaciones, siendo responsable, en todo caso, de las copias o reproducciones que pudieran realizarse, sin consentimiento de LA EMPRESA ADAMINES SL.

9. Sumisión: El comprador se somete expresamente a la jurisdicción de los Tribunales de Madrid, para cuantas cuestiones pudieran suscitarse del cumplimiento e interpretación de estas condiciones, y también para los procedimientos ejecutivo o declarativos a que dé lugar el impago de las facturas o letras de cambio que se expidan y se acepten por el comprador como consecuencia de las mismas.

10. Confidencialidad: El comprador está obligado a mantener indefinidamente en secreto toda la información comercial empresarial obtenida de o través de LA EMPRESA ADAMINES SL, que por su carácter sea confidencial, la cual el comprador no podrá copiar o transferir a terceros sin usar, a menos que sea necesario para el cumplimiento del contrato.

12. Exportaciones: La reexportación de la mercancía fuera del territorio español está sujeta a la correspondiente normativa española y en su caso no será procedente sin las oportunas autorizaciones. El comprador está obligado a informarse y a observar la citada normativa así como cualquier otra que fuera de aplicación. El comprador responderá frente a LA EMPRESA ADAMINES SL del correcto cumplimiento de la citada obligación.

13. Publicidad: El comprador declara que desea recibir publicidad a través del fax/e-mail de la empresa LA EMPRESA ADAMINES SL sin necesidad de solicitarla previamente. En previsión del Proyecto de Ley de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y de Comercio Electrónico (la LSSI-CE) recientemente aprobado por el parlamento español ( ) y de la vigente Ley Orgánica 15 13/12/1999 de Protección de Datos española, estamos obligados a comunicarle que su dirección de correo electrónico figura en este momento suscrita a nuestra base de datos de distribución habiendo su consentimiento anteriormente, formando parte de un fichero automatizado al objeto de continuar ofreciéndole nuestros servicios gratuitos de enviarle puntualmente información de LA EMPRESA ADAMINES SL, sean comunicados, sea información de productos, precios y ofertas.

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